Above, is a picture of our initial story board. When creating the sotryboard, we were very much aware of the fact that we needed to include a varieity of shots such as close ups (to portray detail and emotion), long shots, and establishing shots, as well as various camera movements in order to create a realistic and sophisticated opening. The yellow speech bubble sticky-notes imply where we would like to include sound, whether this is digetic or non-digetic.
Our storyboard board displays all elements that we included within our treatment, only with the added benefit of visuals with the mise en scene (props and costume).
Shooting Shcedule:
Our thriller requires, the majority of the time, a night time shooting schedule. Therefore, for scenes such as the etablishing shots, walking shots and alley-way scenes, we aim to:
- shoot after school
- 5pm-6pm
- over 2 evenings (Monday and Wednesday).
- Shoot after school
- 3pm-4pm
- Over one afternoon
- Shoot in free periods
- 10:20am-11:20am, when the sun is still high
- Over one lesson period
- shoot over a one hour period in the afternoon
- 1pm-2pm

Whilst shooting we have stayed relatively true to the sotryboard. However, whilst on location, or preparation before hand, we have come across a few logistical problems, which we are able to overcome, without disturbing our sotryboard to a large degree. Changes include:
- Close ups- instead of a close up of 'Iga's' feet, we have decided to shoot a close up of her taking her hat. Less of a logistical problem, and more of a continuity and storyline change. This is because this shot will enable the audience to easily recognise the character and easily associated the hat with her.
- Briefcase- due to logistics of not being able to get this prop, we shall use a letter inctead. This prop still suits the tone as it is easily concealable and very secretive, as the audience are only aware of the fact that it is 'CONFIDENTIAL'. Also, with this prop, there is an opportunity for a close up of the letter in order for the auience to truly understand the secrecy and importance of the letter.
- Gun- again, logistically, we were unable to get a gun. However, we have overcome this by deciding to cut to a black shot, filled with the single digetic sound of a gun. The audience will still be able to follow the narrative as the noise is easily recognisable, also creating tension and enigma as we cannot see what is happening.
- Long shot- whilst on set for the 'flat' location, we came across the perfect opportunity for an oscuree, tilted shot behind a wall. Therefore we have changed the long shot to a hidden, obscure shot, connoting concealment and a sense of sypying.
- Flashback- For the flashbacks, we have decided to shoot from 'Damien's' point of view, therefore, as a result of this just "Iga" will be seen within the shots, ranging from medium to long/extreme long.
- Shadows- Whilst on set for the alley-way scene, the Noir lamppost posed good opportunities for extreme shadows, instead of seeing "Damien" follow "Iga". This links nicely to film noir extreme shadows.
Pixton Comic strip:
Below are two comic strips/storyboards that I created on Pixton. One is to develop our ideas that we expressed through our sotryboard further, in order to give us an insight before we start our thriller production ('Miss River').
On the other hand, 'Flash Back' has been created to justify our logistical changes and to give me the opportunity to evaulate them (for exmaple, the flash back from 'Damien's' point of view).
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