By reseraching films similar to 'Crowe', we can begin establish our audience through user statistics and reviews, determining age group and gender.
From the research above, we can identify a strong trend between the three chosen films; the age was between 18-29 and primarily male, although women do watch the films also. Therefore, with this in mind, I have created two character profiles, with an insight into their interests and personal lives, which can then be used as attractions towards 'Crowe'.
The audience for 'Crowe': Profiles:
- Primarily male, in relation to female audience
- ages 20-35
This is Ben. He is a 31 year old, modern man, with a stable job. Ben is particularly intellectual, enjoying a good puzzle or challenge. Therefore within his film preferences, Ben likes a thick and complex plot, in which he has to think about and question the narrative and characters, much like that of Casino Royale. Ben is also interested in films, in which he is observant in the way they are produced within the industry. Cinema City is his choice of cinema, exhibiting a wider range of niche, foreign and smaller market based productions. Previous films Ben has enjoyed include Se7en, and Casino Royale, as well as the television show White Chapel, along with The Killing. In terms of fears, Ben is afraid of making possible life changing decisions, constantly fearing they will be for the worst.
This is Sarah. Sarah is 25 years old and working her way up to her dream job whilst living in London. Like Ben, Sarah likes to be pushed and challenged when watching a film, yet still being able to connect and sympathise with the characters. She enjoys watching the Swedish series Wallander, and films such as Essex Boys, thinking that the metaphors within the derelict and unwanted locations were particularly clever. Sarah also enjoys foreign dialogue in films, such as the switches of English to Foreign dialogue within The Third Man, also supporting her liking to the series Wallander. Whilst watching a film, she connects with the loss between characters, being particularly scared of losing loved ones herself. Sarah also likes books and adaptations; even if they are small, unknown books, becoming a niche market, she prefers them in contrast to block buster adaptations such as Harry Potter. Because of this niche market, like Ben, she likes to go to Cinema City is order to view a film.
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